The Buddha Thought It Was Okay to Be Rich

A look at what the Buddha actually said about acquiring and spending wealth.

7 min readDec 18, 2020


It’s easy to get the impression Buddhism opposes earning much wealth beyond what’s “necessary,” or using wealth for one’s own benefit instead of giving away everything beyond the minimum needed to get by. After all, monks shave their heads, put on robes, and take up alms bowls. If you listen to a lot of contemporary, politically engaged Buddhists, you’ll get the impression that Buddhism necessarily opposes market economies and that wealth inequality runs counter to Buddhist values.

But that view of Buddhism is misleading — and rather inaccurate if we look to the ancient texts to discover what the Buddha actually said about acquiring and using wealth. In fact, it turns out that while he had ideas about the ethics of both, he saw wealth in a quite positive light.

Monks vs. Lay Followers

A distinction worth clarifying up front is that between expectations for monks and the rest of us. Yes, Buddhist monks refrain from commerce, don’t seek wealth, are sometimes expected to beg for their food, and own very little. But this is because a monk has consciously and with great consideration dedicated his life to achieving enlightenment on the Buddhist path. That’s a…



Host of the ReImagining Liberty podcast. Writer and political ethicist. Former think tank scholar.